A poem from Disturbance

“Holes”, featured on the Seren Books blog, “captures the immense anguish and heartbreak of a mother who was helpless to protect her son in this tragic case”.

Friday Poem – Holes

Ivy Alvarez’s collection Disturbance is a gripping novel-in-verse that chronicles a multiple homicide, a tragic case of domestic violence, where a family was gunned down by the husband and father.

Hilaire reads Disturbance

“Alvarez gets behind the headlines, giving voice to the many people affected by such an incident. Though the surface of many of the poems is factual – lists, interviews, statements – the cumulative effect is very powerful.” —Hilaire

Read the rest of Hilaire’s blogpost.

Bethany Pope mentions Disturbance

Bethany Pope: “Sitting in a bus terminal (my God these are appropriately named – all life seems to stop.) reading Ivy Alvarez‘s wonderful verse-novel ‘Disturbance’ (which is also about a terminus, of the original kind). This book cuts straight to the gristle, ‘Her dress, for instance, did not shield her / from the buckshot aimed at her front and back. / We do what we can.’ Pick this book up the next time you need something wonderful…”