Bethany Pope on Disturbance

Disturbance is a vicious (beautiful) web of a book in which different voices sing a song of brutality interlaced with tenderness. Half epic poem, half mystery novel, this collection will take you places that you never thought you’d want to go — and you’ll be sorry when it’s over.

Nicholas Birns on Disturbance

Alvarez fulfills the dual mandate of the Australian verse novel: to make us conscious about the craft of our own utterance, and to insist upon the truth.

Andrew Harper, Warp Magazine

Ivy writes about women and men, about hard subject matter that needs to be brought out into the open. It’s muscular, raw writing that grabs hold of anyone who reads it…

Stephanie Jones & Charne Lavery, Wasafiri

The ‘hyperbolic real’ is a term that might also describe the poetic light and sound that Ivy Alvarez brings to ‘salty slurry’ in her poem ‘Nabagoóng’.